lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Tutoría SAL (Solidaridad con América Latina): El consumo Responsable.

Hoy 20 de Abril vamos a trabajar una tutoría especial en la que queremos una reflexión conjunta acerca de nuestros comportamientos diarios y a ser conscientes de que todo lo que nosotros hacemos tiene unas consecuencias y se produce por unos motivos concretos. Vamos a trabajar el consumo responsable y sus consecuencias o "inconsecuencias" en el Tercer Mundo, especialmente en África.

Vamos a ver este vídeo que nos ayude a profundizar en el mundo en el que nos movemos y  el tipo de personas que somos. Para poder reflexionar un poco más sobre el vídeo lo vamos a hacer con una RUTINA DE PENSAMIENTO: ANTES PENSABA ...............................  y AHORA PIENSO ................. Es decir en nuestro ME-NOTE O Diario de Pensamiento vamos a completar esta frase respecto a nuestra idea sobre el "Consumo Responsable"

Cómo comentábamos antes nuestras decisiones de consumo en el día a día, tiene su inicio muchas de ellas muy lejos de nosotros. Os invitamos a viajar a África, especialmente a la República Democrática de Congo. Allí también tienen presencia los hermanos Menesianos (podéis verlo pinchando en la siguiente imagen)

¿Cuántos de vosotros tenéis móvil o tablet? ¿Recordáis cuanto pagasteis por ello? Para la fabricación de nuestros dispositivos móviles hace falta un mineral que se llama Coltán. En el siguiente vídeo podemos profundizar en los problemas que se producen con el comercio de este mineral. Para un mejor análisis nos vamos a apoyar en una RUTINA DE PENSAMIENTO: Veo-Pienso-Me pregunto. Es decir en nuestro ME-NOTE O Diario de Pensamiento vamos a completar la siguiente tabla al ver el vídeo. 

Toda la reflexión que hemos realizado no puede quedar en una mera clase y una charla interesante. Es necesario que tras ver una realidad que no nos gusta y que consideramos no está bien, nosotros adquiramos un compromiso con la sociedad y el mundo con que vivimos. En el siguiente Padlet por grupos  os pedimos que escribáis a modo de decálogo, pero tan sólo tres acciones, aquellas cosas que nosotros podemos hacer. De forma concreta y en grupos decidid que queréis hacer para poder cambiar esta situación y convertirnos en personas responsables en nuestro consumo y con el mundo con el que vivimos. 

martes, 7 de abril de 2015

Mind Maps about Nutrition (Peer evaluation Time)

With this post you are going to evaluate your partner's videos and popplets following the rubric and answering to this questionaire.

When you finish reading the rubric and you have everything clear about your mind, you can start watching your partners video and answering the questions to evaluate it. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE CLEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR AND WHAT ARE THE CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION.

You will send your evaluation through this Google Form. DON'T FORGET TO CLICK ON SUBMIT AT THE END.

To write the comments, you have to follow this pattern:
  • REDACCIÓN EN KIDBLOG: Tienes … porque…. Deberías mejorar......
  • ORGANIZACIÓN EN EL MIND MAP: Tienes … porque… Deberías mejorar......
  • ESTRUCTURA DEL TEXTO: Tienes … porque…Deberías mejorar......
  • ORTOGRAFÍA: Tienes … porque…Deberías mejorar......
  • TÉCNICA GRAMATICAL Y TIEMPOS VERBALES: Tienes … porque…Deberías mejorar......
  • VOZ Y RITMO: Tienes … porque… Deberías mejorar......

Mind maps about NUTRITION (Final task)

Utilizando las TIC para repasar, una vez terminada la unidad sobre El cuerpo humano: la nutrición,  el sistema digestivo,  el sistema respiratorio y excretor,  y el sistema circulatorio trabajamos como siempre, realizamos nuestro mapa conceptual con Popplet.

Después los alumnos graban su explicación con la aplicación Screencast-O-Matic. 

Publican su entrada en su Portfolio Personal creado dentro de los blogs personales de Kidblog.

Y nos lo envían para poder corregirlo a través de la red social educativa de Edmodo.
Estos son los trabajos de los alumnos de esta unidad. 

Yaiza's Mind Maps
Martín's Mind Maps
Adrián Pérez's Mind Maps

e-Twinning Activity: Fairs and Festivals of Aguilar de Campoo

It is time for a new e-Twinning activity for our project:

Using this activity we will create a new section in our touristic guide. This section will be about: The festivals and fairs of Aguilar de Campoo.

In the following presentation you can see the process. 


lunes, 6 de abril de 2015


This project will be like a game. You will know what to do whenever you click on each mission in board game. 

Check the ranking

Mission 1: Learning about STOPMOTION and ROLES in the Group.

Along this first mission you will learn a lot about:
  • What Stopmotion is.
  • What the different roles in a group are. 

What is the aim of the mission? You have to create a Google Drive Presentation with 10 questions about Stopmotion.

As you know every presentation should have:
  • A cover with a title and the authors. 
  • Each question will have two slides: one with the questions and four possible answers and the second one with the correct answer. 
Here you can see some links with information about StopMotion which can help you to create your presentation and your quizz. Please let's also have a look to the next video about how can the Stopmotion help you with your creativity. 

Once you finish with the presentation (You have 20 minutes) we will play. The winner group will have a point for GROUP WORKING at Classdojo

We are also going to reflex on the different roles you can take in your group. There are five and each day you will change but for this you will need to know very clearly what your responsabilities are. 

We are going to do a THINKING ROUTINE to discover what the responsibilies are and how do you see them. We are going to use QUICK THINK / QUICK DRAW. So remember using this graphic organizer and the following document you will write the name of the role and its responsibilies and draw a quick picture about this role. 


Once you have finish this mission you have three important task to do before continue with mission number two:
  • Start with your learning diary. 
      • Let's open a Google Drive Document.
      • Write the title of the project FILM CREATOR
      • Write the date.
      • Answer these questions:
          • Three things I have learnt.
          • How do I learn these things?
          • Do I want to learn more about something? What?
          • What can I improve for the next mission?
  • Evaluate your mates. We will have a ranking (like in videogames) so you as a group will have 50 points in each mission and you can distribute among your partners like you want. Let's communicate to the teacher. You can see how the ranking is going in this document. The winner will have a special prize at the end of the project.
  • Present all your task to your teacher for your badge. If everything is correct you will have a badge to show you are ready to start with STOPMOTION at ClassBadges

Mission 2: Let's fly with your imagination.

Along this second mission you will:
  • Desing what the topic or the common thread of your Stopmotion Film will be. You will do this using a technic to work with your group creativity. 

We are going to create the main lines about what you and your group want of you Stopmotion Film. We are going to think in groups to achive your best.

As you know in all the thinking and design processes there are two big moments:
  1. Divergent Moment: Your imagination and creativity can fly. Please don't stop it and take notes about everything you are thinking on.
  2. Convergent Moment: you will show your thinking notes to your mates and in the whole group you will decide how to articulate everything to create a final product. 

We will use a graphic organizer to do these two processes. Each member of the group will have a piece of paper of it.
  • You will have 15 minutes to create your own story. Please write down notes in your piece of paper. 
  • The group will have 20 minutes to achieve an agreement using the notes that everybody wrote in the previous activity. Please write it down in the circle of the graphic organizer. 

Once you have finish this mission you have three important task to do before continue with mission number three:
  • Start with your learning diary. 
    • Let's open the  Google Drive Document in which you started the Leaning Diary the previous mission.
    • Write the date.
    • Answer these questions:
      • Three things I have learnt.
      • How do I learn these things?
      • Do I want to learn more about something? What?
      • What can I improve for the next mission?
  • Evaluate your mates. Let's update the ranking of our game. Remember the  group will has 50 points in each mission and you can distribute among your partners like you want. Let's communicate to the teacher.
This mission has a Special Bonus of 5 points to each member of the group is the group is able to include in the final agreement something of each partners ideas.

You can see how the ranking is going in this document. The winner will have a special prize at the end of the project. 

  • Present all your tasks to your teacher for your badge. If everything is correct you will have a badge to show you are A CREATIVE PERSON at ClassBadges

Mission 3: The storyboard.

Along this third mission you will:
  • Design the storyboard for you StopMotion Film.
In the previous mission you decided what the thread of your StopMotion Film will be. This time you will create and decide which scenes your film will have. 

In order to help you in this process we offer this graphic organizer to do it. It will be very simple, you will draw the scene and explain it. Your film could have more than eight scenes and you can use more than one sheet for it. 

Read and remember the rubric which can help you and guide in your ideas

Once you have finish this mission you have three important task to do before continue with mission number four:
  • Start with your learning diary. 
    • Let's open the  Google Drive Document in which you started the Leaning Diary the previous mission.
    • Write the date.
    • Answer these questions:
      • Three things I have learnt.
      • How do I learn these things?
      • Do I want to learn more about something? What?
      • What can I improve for the next mission?
  • Evaluate your mates. Let's update the ranking of our game. Remember the  group will has 50 points in each mission and you can distribute among your partners like you want. Let's communicate to the teacher. You can see how the ranking is going in this document. The winner will have a special prize at the end of the project. 
  • Present all your task to your teacher for your badge. If everything is correct you will have a badge to show you are a good SCRIPWRITER at ClassBadges

Mission 4: Creating characters - Decorating the stage

Along this fourth mission you will:
  • Be aware about all the materials, characters and backgrounds of your film. You will also design and create all of them.

You need to prepare all your backgrounds and characters. Here there are some links to help you to work on this idea.  
Now you can watch a playlist of Youtube, these videos were done by some students of our school, San Gregorio. They worked in a project called: Scary Short Films

We also offer you a videotutorial about how to create character for StopMotion.

You can use the following document with each scene. It will help the group and yourself to be sure that everything it is fixed and ready for record. 

Along these mission you can invite some SUPERHEROS to come to class and help you create the backgrounds and the characters. These SUPERHEROS are your parents. You can invite them in the second lesson we deal with this. 

Read and remember the rubric which can help you and guide in your ideas

Once you have finish this mission you have three important task to do before continue with mission number five:
  • Start with your learning diary. 
    • Let's open the  Google Drive Document in which you started the Leaning Diary the previous mission.
    • Write the date.
    • Answer these questions:
      • Three things I have learnt.
      • How do I learn these things?
      • Do I want to learn more about something? What?
      • What can I improve for the next mission?
  • Evaluate your mates. Let's update the ranking of our game. Remember the  group will has 50 points in each mission and you can distribute among your partners like you want. Let's communicate to the teacher.
This mission has a Special Bonus of 10 points to the people who came to the second lesson with the SUPERHEROS to help you into class.

You can see how the ranking is going in this document. The winner will have a special prize at the end of the project. 

  • Present all your tasks to your teacher for your badge. If everything is correct you will have a badge to show you are A GOOD STAGE DESIGNER at ClassBadges

Mission 5: Let's make photos for your film.

Along this fifth mission you will:
  • Create and edit your StpMotion Film using Windows Movie Maker. 
Everything is ready to record your film. Remember the StopMotion technic consists on taking photos in which you change a bit the background and the characters and then with a film editing program you will take all the photos and make them to pass quickly to seem everything is moving.

A great point to start will be a THINKING ROUTINE: THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS. We will watch a video about StopMotion and how it works using Windows Movie Maker. Let's draw a traffic light:
  • GREEN: Write here things you understand and you think you will be able to do it on your own.
  • ORANGE: Write here things you will need some help to understand and you think you will need some support to work with it.
  • RED: Write here things you don't understand and you think you won't be able to do it on your own. 

Along these mission you can invite again to your SUPERHEROS to come to class and help you to record and edit your film. These SUPERHEROS are your parents. You can invite them in the second lesson we deal with this. 

Read and remember the rubric which can help you and guide in your ideas

Once you have finish this mission you have three important task to do before continue with mission number six:
  • Learning diary. 
    • Let's open the  Google Drive Document in which you started the Leaning Diary the previous mission.
    • Write the date.
    • Answer these questions:
      • Three things I have learnt.
      • How do I learn these things?
      • Do I want to learn more about something? What?
      • What can I improve for the next mission?
  • Evaluate your mates. Let's update the ranking of our game. Remember the  group will has 50 points in each mission and you can distribute among your partners like you want. Let's communicate to the teacher.
This mission has a Special Bonus of 10 points to the people who came to the second lesson with the SUPERHEROS to help you into class.

You can see how the ranking is going in this document. The winner will have a special prize at the end of the project. 

  • Present all your tasks to your teacher for your badge. If everything is correct you will have a badge to show you are FILM EDITOR at ClassBadges

Mission 6: The final moment.

Along this sixth mission you will:
  • Create a final post to show your product, the knowledge you have achived and the learning process you followed along this project. 

You will create a post in your Kidblog. It is important to follow this information, it will be helpful to you not to forget anything:

  • Introduction and explanation of the activity. (Tip: It will be good if you include a link to the board game of the project) You can also tell about what you were working on and who your mates were. 
  • Your final product: You have to upload you final film into YOUTUBE and EMBED the video into your post. 
  • Your Learning Diary: You will place the link to your Learning Diary.Remember for this you will need to go to Archivo---- Publicar en la Web ---- Link.
  • Your Badges: We will show you how to upload documents to SlideShare and Embed them into your post. 
Once you have finish with it please let's publish it and send it to your teacher through Edmodo. 

Read and remember the rubric which can help you and guide in your ideas

Once you have finish this mission you have three important task to do before finishign the project.:
  • Learning diary. 
    • Let's open the  Google Drive Document in which you started the Leaning Diary the previous mission.
    • Write the date.
    • Answer these questions:
      • Three things I have learnt.
      • How do I learn these things?
      • Do I want to learn more about something? What?
      • What can I improve for the next mission?
  • Evaluate your mates. Let's update the ranking of our game. Remember the  group will has 50 points in each mission and you can distribute among your partners like you want. Let's communicate to the teacher. You can see how the ranking is going in this document. The winner will have a special prize at the end of the project. 
  • Present all your tasks to your teacher for your badge. If everything is correct you will have a badge to show you are FILM CREATOR at ClassBadges

Film Creator Evaluation Instruments.

The following documents will help your group, you and the teacher to asses and evaluate all your knowledge and process during this project.