In this post you will read and have all the information of the workshop we will share with all the students of the course Move On: Innovación para el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. #moveonINT_MP. I will share and enjoy this moment with my collegue Julián Sanz Mamolar (@julisanzmamolar)
Along the week there were lots of great collegues with amazing trainning sessions at Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, sede de Cuenca.
- Leslie Davinson: Storytelling I
- Annette Westerop: e-Twinning Experiences.
- Maria Luisa Pérez Cañado: The what's, why's, who's and how's of CLIL and Real English for communicative interaction in the CLIL classroom.
- Elena Gallach: Storytelling II & Songs, Games and Videos.
- Ana Halbach: Power to Children's literature.
- Marcos Garasa: Game Based Learning
- Yolanda Egea: Global Connections, Blogging and collaborative enviroments.
And behind all of us, with all the program, links, organization is Rosario Outes. Thanks for all.
Our workshop will have three important parts.
- PLAY: We will start with a game to know a bit more about how we are in all the world of ICT, new methodologies, and digital Storytelling. (Around 30 min).
- HANDS ON!!: We will propose you to practise a lesson we have design: WE ARE STORYTELLER. This is how we work with our students at Colegio San Gregorio in Aguilar de Campoo. (Around 1 hour)
- LET'S EVALUATE: During our lessons we use a kind of collaborative evaluation in which everybody takes part on it (students, teachers and the working group). (Around 30 min)
You can follow the workshop with this presentation.