martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Training Course - Creativity in English: ICT&European Projects at CFIE de Burgos

This afternoon (29/04/2014), my collegue Julián Sanz Mamolar, and I, Javier Ramos Sancha will spend time at CFIE de Burgos. The trainning course will be about how to use CREATIVITY during Bilingualism lessons. The title is: Creativity in English: ICT&European Projects. 

Today we will try to show you how we have organized bilingualism at Colegio San Gregorio, the one in which we work, and what are the different projects or activities we carry on at the school. 

I will leave you here the presentation in case you want to have a look about it. 


jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


After having learnt about RIVERS and CLIMATE. Let's move onto last important part of the Environment: VEGETATION AND FAUNA

Before going indeep with this topic maybe it would be great to have a look to a video, but please pay attention to it because at the end you have to answer a question:
  • Can you name any animals or plants from the video?

Each climate has its own flora and fauna.
FLORA is all the plants life or vegetation in an area.

FAUNA is all the animal life in an area.


PLANT HABITATS can be affected by pollution, the growth of citiesor the explotation of natural resources.
Animals and plant species are disapearing or they are in danger of extinction.

NATIONAL PARKS are areas that govermente created to preserve and protect the enviroment like:

  • TEIDE in Spain.
  • SNOWDONIA in the United Kingdom.
  • VANOISE in France.
  • HARZ in Germany.

After having a look to all about the environment: RIVERS, CLIMATE and VEGETATION AND FAUNA. We will finish  with the thinking routine we had started this unit: THINKING ROUTINE: 3-2-1 BRIDGE
Now you need to complete again the chart but with the new ideas you have. 

So in your notebook near the previous one let's draw and complete the following chart.

TIPS: Maybe to write an analogy or a metaphor will be very difficult for you in a foreing language so we invite you to write it in your own language, in this case Spanish. Here you have some examples that could help you to do it. ANALOGIES: "El perro es a ladrar como el gato a maullar". "Piloto es a avión como maquinista es a tren". METAPHORES: "El trabajo es pan comido" "Tus ojos brillan como diamantes".

DISCOVER AND REFLEX ABOUT THE BRIGDE: when we are talking about brigde is how your ideas have changed, what new concepts you have learnt, how you have learnt all these new things. 

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

WRITING STORIES an e-connection with students of #ictclil_URJC

Everything started when a group of students of the URJC University with their teacher (@mjgsm) proposed to us the idea of taking part on their project ICT for Reading and Writing. They wrote everything in this blog:

At the begining we started reading and listening one of the stories written by the student of the course #ictclil_URJC. The title was THE NAUGHTY MOON. My students really enjoyed it.

After this we decided to create a mind map using a couple of thinking routine: GENERATE - SORT - CONNECT - ELABORATE. and THINK - PAIR - SHARE. In the mind map students try to think about what parts of the story are important. This was the final result. 

So we started to create the main characters of their stories. They had to create a picture and a description. Here you have what they did.

Next day we were reading and listening another propousal of the #ictclil_URJC students. This time the story was: THE PENGUIN WHO FELT COLD A LOT. They liked a bit more than the previous one because this was easier for them and also there were pictures to focus their attention.

With this story we started to work on a GRAPHIC ORGANIZER about the three parts of the story. First we analized THE PENGUIN WHO FELT COLD A LOT

By the end of this activity they were ready to create their own Graphic Organizer about what is going to happen in their own story. Here you have an example about what they did.

So now everything was ready to write their stories and created a book of stories written by them. Here you can read and listen what they did. 

THE DOG by Diego and Daira.

THE BAT AND THE BOY by Héctor, Francisco and Bogdan

THE CASTLE FELL DOWN by Gadea, Alfredo and Gabriel

THE PRINCESS by Andrea and Mario

THE PENGUIN by Carla and Ángela.

THE DOG AND THE BOY by Alba and Edgar. 

THE MICE by Jaime, Lucía and Violeta. 

THE TURTLE SUMY by Paula, Javier and Nacho.

With all the stories we have created a book to leave at the classroom library to read along this school year and leave for the next students of this classroom. Here it is:

Every student has done these stories also in a separate worksheet again to set the into their own portfolios. We have sticked on them the QR-codes so they will have their posdcast also in their folders. 

We want to give a very big THANK YOU to the students of  #ictclil_URJC for bringing us this big learning opportunity. It was an amazing e-learning connection. 

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

The environment: CLIMATE.

After the first part of this topic: RIVERS. Let's move onto another important part of the Environment: THE CLIMATE

Before going indeep with this topic maybe it would be great to have a look to a video, but please pay attention to it because at the end you have to answer this two questions:

  • What two factors can define a climate?
  • How many climate zones are there at the Earth?


WEATHER can change in a few minutes.

CLIMATE is a region's characteristic temperature, wind or precipitation over a long time

The distance for the equator determinate how much heat it takes.
  • TROPICAL ZONE. It is very hot every year. 

    • There are warm summers.
    • There are  cold  winteres. 
    • Some parts are rainy and at another place it is dry.
    • It is very cold.
    • Around the North and South Pole. 

    • This is the mild climate.
    • It is on Cantabrian Coast and in Galicia.
    • Rainfall is abundant all year round.
    • It is the climate near Mediterranean Sea.
    • Summers are hot.
    • Winters are mild.
    • Rainfall is light.

    • This is the climate of Canary Islands.
    • It is hot all year round.
    • Rainfall is limited to some months of the year.

    • This is the climate of central Spain.
    • Summers are hot.
    • Winters are cold.
    • Rainfall is irregular. 


miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

The environment: THE RIVERS

We will start a new topic: THE ENVIRONMENT. Along this topic we will focus our attention in three main points:
We will start with a new THINKING ROUTINE: 3-2-1 BRIDGE. With this new thinking routine you are going to reflex on what you know about the topic now and at the end of it how much have you learn or what have happened with the topic in your mind and how are new things connected with the previous ones. I mean, what kind of bridge you have built during lessons about the topic. 

So take you notebook and please write the title of the new topic and draw this chart.

TIPS: Maybe to write an analogy or a metaphor will be very difficult for you in a foreing language so we invite you to write it in your own language, in this case Spanish. Here you have some examples that could help you to do it. ANALOGIES: "El perro es a ladrar como el gato a maullar". "Piloto es a avión como maquinista es a tren". METAPHORES: "El trabajo es pan comido" "Tus ojos brillan como diamantes".


First you are going to watch this video but please pay attention at the end of it you will have to answer these two questions:
  • Where is the rain water collected on land?
  • How are the deepest areas of the ocean?

A river is a body of moving water it starts high in the mountains and flows into sea, lake or another river.

The course is the route which a river takes.

The flow is the amount of water which a river carries. 


Lakes are large bodies of water surrounded by land.

Reservoirs are artificial lakes. 

We use water from reservoirs to irrigate fields and for human consumption.

Watershed where all rivers flow in to the same sea.

There are three watershed in Spain. 
  • It has rapid and short rivers. 
  • The flow is abundant and constant.
  • It has short rivers.
  • The flow is irregular.
  • The flow is abundant and fairly regular.

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Teaching Phonics (22nd Group of Sounds)

The twenty-second group of sounds is formed by:  


Although we have flaschards to support our lessons. With this video you will learn the twenty-second group of sounds.

The following words can help us to start reading words with these sounds. Remember it will be easier if we use dots and arches. 


Evaluación Segundo Trimestre.

El trimestre toca a su fin y llega el momento de tomarnos unos días de relax. Ha sido un trimestre duro donde hemos trabajado mucho y ha sido largo, etc... Y otras muchas cosas que hayáis vivido durante este trimestre y que tenéis en vuestras cabezas. 

Ahora toca evaluar, toca ver lo positivo de este trimestre y aquello que quizás tenemos que hacer de forma diferente para el próximo trimestre. Y para eso necesitamos de vuestra ayuda.

La evaluación y la oportunidad de expresar vuestra opinión lo vamos a hacer a través de una  rutina de pensamiento 3 x 1 que ya hemos realizado en más ocasiones, recuerda son tres aspectos positivos y uno para mejorar. 

Recuerda dos cosas importantes:
  • Tú opinión es importante por lo tanto no hagas esto a la carrera. Tómate tu tiempo para pensarlo y reflexionar.
  • Cuando termines tendrás que pinchar en SUBMIT o ENVIAR para que tu opinión quede registrada. 

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Mind Maps about LANDSCAPES (Science Year 5 - Unit 8)

Utilizando las TICs para repasar, una vez terminada la unidad sobre PAISAJES, el PaisajeMontañas y LLanuras en España,  la Costa,  la Costa Española  trabajamos como siempre, realizamos nuestro mapa conceptual con Popplet.

Después los alumnos graban su explicación con la aplicación Screencast-O-Matic. 

Publican su entrada en su Portfolio Personal creado dentro de los blogs personales de Kidblog.

Y nos lo envían para poder corregirlo a través de la red social educativa de Edmodo.
Estos son los trabajos de los alumnos de esta unidad. 

Claudia's Mind Maps
Javier's Mind Maps
Pablo's Mind Maps

Evaluación Mind Maps about LANDSCAPES.

With this post you are going to evaluate your partner's videos and popplets following the rubric and answering to this questionaire.

When you finish reading the rubric and you have everything clear in your mind, you can start watching your partners video and answering the questions to evaluate it. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE CLEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR AND WHAT ARE THE CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION.

You will send your evaluation through this Google Form. DON'T FORGET TO CLICK ON SUBMIT AT THE END.

To write the comments, you have to follow this pattern:
  • REDACCIÓN EN KIDBLOG: Tienes … porque…
  • ORGANIZACIÓN EN EL MIND MAP: Tienes … porque…
  • ESTRUCTURA DEL TEXTO: Tienes … porque…
  • ORTOGRAFÍA: Tienes … porque…
  • VOZ Y RITMO: Tienes … porque…

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

After the trip to Guildford. A new e-Twinning activity.

After our trip to Guildford and a couple of days to rest it is time to work a bit on it so you will have a final product to remember this trip forever.

Our final product will be a presentation with all the steps you can see in the following one.

When you finish the presentation you will upload on your kidblog to generate a post to show to everybody. Here you have an example about it. 

When you finish everything please send me the link of your kidblog through and e-mail.