lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Teaching Phonics (21st Group of sounds)

The twenty-first group of sounds is formed by:  


Although we have flaschards to support our lessons. With this video you will learn the twenty-first group of sounds.

The following words can help us to start reading words with these sounds. Remember it will be easier if we use dots and arches. 


viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

THE DANCER by Edgar Degas.

Today we are going to learn about one famous painter and sculptor:


He was born in FRANCE in Paris in 1834 and died in 1917.

In this video you can see some of the pictures from DEGAS. PAY ATTENTION BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO ANSWER ME A QUESTION AT THE END.
  • What is the favorite thing or person to be painted by DEGAS?

Let's focus our attention in one of the artwork of DEGAS.

  • Where is the dancer?
  • How many dancer can you see?

preview6 pieceDegas_bailarina_escena

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014


With this video you will have a small idea about the SPANISH COASTLINE specially about the north coast. 


Spain has more than 6.000 km of Coastlines.

  • CANTABRIAN COAST: It has rocky cliffs, estuaries and gulfs.
  • ATLANTIC COAST: In the northwest (Galicia) it is high and rocky with many estuaries. In the South (Gulf of Cadiz) it is low-lying and sandy.
  • MEDITERRANEAN COAST: It is low-lying and sandy. Beaches are very long.
  • CANARY ISLAND: In the Atlantic Coast but it varies greatly.
  • BALEARIC ISLAND: In the Mediterranean Coast it has high coasts, but it also alternates with long beaches. 


We are going to finish all the topic about LANDSCAPES with a THINKING ROUTINE: GENERATE - SORT- CONNECT -ELABORATE. This is a routine to organize your understanding about this topic through a mind map.

GENERATE: You will have post-it or pieces of paper. You will write all the ideas that come to your mind when you think about LANDSCAPES. You will have 5 minutes.

SORT: Now it's time to sort the ideas with my partners. We are going to say to them what my ideas were and also we will place them depending on how much important they are. Central ideas will go in the center, tangencial ideas or examples will go in the sides. You will have another 5 minutes.

CONNECT: Once you have presented your ideas to the rest. Maybe some of your partners will have ideas which are the same as yours or they are very similiar, or just they have something in common. It would be great if you place all this ideas together. You have to explain (in English) how these ideas are connected. You will have 5 minutes. 

ELABORATE: Now it's the turn of the mind map. With all the process you will have lots of ideas but maybe you will need also to add new ideas and expand the ones your group has talked about. You will have 10 minutes for this. 

Connected Classrooms: Explore the Tundra with Polar Bears International and Google Street View

What are Connected Classrooms?

Why are we going to explore the Tundra with Polar Bears International and Google Street View?

To get to know more information about this topic, we are going to do page 39 on activity book Science Y6.

To take part in this connected classroom you have to write questions about Polar Bears in this wall.

We will wait you at 5.00 p.m. in Year 6B class. It is a voluntary activity.

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

MY FAVORITE ANIMAL (A Scientist despcription - Portfolio Year 2)

Here you have an activity to evaluate students skills about the topic of ANIMALS. It will be part of our Portfolio. 


  • ESCRIBIR A2+: Escribo textos muy sencillos sobre temas personales como puede ser mis cosas favoritas. Utilizando contenidos aprendidos previamente y pautas gramaticales trabajadas.
  • LEER A2+: Leo textos sencillos sobre temas generales como pueden ser los pequeños cuadros de texto que nos ofrece el libro de Science en los que se utiliza vocabulario sencillo de jerga científica. 

This activity will be evaluated with the following rubric:

The Coast

We have learnt about the landscape in general and about the mountains and plains in Spain. Now it's time to focus our attention in the coas landscape. We will introduce this topic with the following chant. (Let's sing if you want). 


The coast is the place where the land meets the sea.

There are two types of coast:

LOW-LYING COASTS: They are plains by the sea. They have sandy beaches. 

HIGH COASTS: They are high areas by the sea. They often have rocky cliffs.

  • Where can you see a high coast in Spain?
  • Where can you see a low-lying coast in Spain?


A CAPE: It is land which extends into the sea.

A GULF: It is a place where the sea extends into the land.

A PENINSULA: It is land which is almost completely surrounded by water.
AN ISLAND: It is land which is completely surrounded by water.

AN ARCHIPELAGO: It is a group of islands.

AN ESTUARY: It is a part of a river which opens into the sea.

A MARSH:  It is wet land near the mouth of a river. 


martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Mountains and plains in Spain.

We are going to start with a THINKING ROUTINE: THINK-PAIR-SHARE. 

  • THINK: During 1 minute you will think on your own about what you have learnt about Landscapes
  • PAIR: During 2 minutes you will talk with your partner about what you have thought. REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO TALK IN ENGLISH AND ALSO YOUR PARTNER, IF NOT YOU CAN SAY HIM OR HER. STOP! TALK TO ME IN ENGLISH.
  • SHARE: You will say to the whole class what you have thought or rememebered about the Landscapes. With your ideas the teacher will create a mind map in the blackboard. You can use this mind map to add all the new information you will learn today. 
In this video you will have a look about the highest mountains in Spain:
  • I HAVE VISITED...........................................


  • Central Spain is dominated by a large plateau: CENTRAL PLATEAU. 
  • CENTRAL PLATEAU is divided into two parts by CENTRAL MOUNTAIN CHAIN.
  • THE PYRENEES is in the north it is the natural border with France.
  • THE BETIC CHAIN  is a chain in the south of the Central Plateau
  • Iberian Península has narrow coastal plains.
  • There are two depressions:
    • The Ebro Drepression in the north.
    • The Guadalquivir depression in the south. 


lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

Teaching Phonics (20th Group of Sounds)

The twentieth group of sounds is formed by:  


Although we have flaschards to support our lessons. With this video you will learn the twentieth group of sounds.

The following words can help us to start reading words with these sounds. Remember it will be easier if we use dots and arches. 


The landscape

We will start with a new topic THE LANDSCAPES. We are going to start thinking using a THINKING ROUTINE: The traffic lights. 

Let's draw a traffic lights in your notebook or in your Thinking notebook. 

And now during 3 minutes you will think about all the things you have already known about LANDSCAPES. And then classify it into the three colours:
  • GREEN: Write things you know and understand perfectly about LANDSCAPES.
  • YELLOW OR ORANGE: You know and understand something but you will need some help to go deeper on this things about LANDSPCAPES.
  • RED: You don't understand or get these things or you want to know more about it during the time we are going to look for it in Science lessons. 

Once you have clear what you know, we are going to have a look to this video about LANDSCAPES. 

  • How many LANDFORMS does the video talk about?
  • What are these landforms?
  • Can you say me the definition at least of one of them?


All the different features of the Earth's furfaces make up the landscape.


MOUNTAINS are raised parts of the Earths's surface.

HILLS have lower altitude than mountains

Several mountains grouped togethere are called a MOUNTAIN RANGE. A long line of mountain ranges is called a  MOUNTAIN CHAIN

VALLEYS are low area between mountains. Rivers are often found in valleys.

They are large areas of flat lands with now hills or slopes.

A PLATEAU is a plain at a high altitude.

DEPRESSIONS are plains which are lower than the surrounding land.

COASTAL PLAINS are flat land near the coast. 

Let's practice all what you have learn during your Science lesson. Remember IT'S IMPORTANT TO PRACTICE TO FIX THE KNOWLEGDE IN YOUR MIND. 


Hoy tenemos una nueva sesión del proyecto HARA, esta lleva el nombre de NO SOMOS PERFECTOS

En un papel tendrás que dar respuesta a las siguientes preguntas sin poner tu nombre.

  • Escribe dos cosas que no sabes hacer en casa
  • Escribe dos cosas que no entiendes cómo funcionan
  • Escribe dos cosas que te han salido mal a pesar de haberlo intentado hacerlo.
  • Escribe dos deportes en donde no eres bueno.
  • Escribe dos cosas que crees que no lo vas a conseguir nunca.
  • Escribe dos cosas que no soportas a los demás.
Una vez que todos lo han escrito se entregan al profesor quien lo irá poniendo en común y entre todos iremos comentándolas.  

Al finalizar cada uno tendremos que respondernos de forma personal a las siguientes preguntas:
  • ¿Qué podemos exigir cada uno?
  • ¿Por qué en ocasiones pensamos que somos mejores que los demás?
TERMINAREMOS LA SESIÓN CON LA RUTINA DE PENSAMIENTO DE HARA, contestando a las siguientes preguntas en nuestro cuaderno de pensamiento:

  • ¿Qué he hecho?
  • ¿Cómo me he sentido?
  • ¿Que puedo aprender o descubrir?

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

I'm a journalist (Final task - English)

OBJETIVOS DE LA ACTIVIDAD (Siguiendo Currículo Educación Primaria Castilla y León - Real Decreto 40/2007 de 3 de mayo):
Al final de esta actividad el alumno será capaz de:

  • Elaborar textos escritos para describir personas y situaciones siguiendo patrones gramaticales previamente trabajados (Presente Continuo y Adjetivos Comparativos).
  • Usar formas y estructuras básicas incluyendo aspectos como el ritmo y entonación en el contexto de una grabación del texto descriptivo. 
  • Utilizar las TIC para la búsqueda de información y para la creación del producto final a llevar a cabo en la tarea. 
  • Reflexionar sobre su propio aprendizaje y organización del trabajo utilizando técnicas de autocorrección y evaluación. 


  • Competencia Lingüísitica:
    • El alumno será capaz de:
      • Escribir textos descriptivos basándose en la información buscada por ellos mismos. 
      • Utilizar los códigos de comunicación propios de la descripción.
  • Competencia Digital y tratamiento de la información:
    • El alumno será capaz de:
      • Dominar y aplicar a diferentes situaciones y contextos diferentes lenguajes: visual, icónico, textual, gráfico, etc...
      • Generar producciones serias, responsables y creativas.
      • Comenzar a identificar estrategias a utilizar para resolver situaciones y problemas con el software y el hardware utilizado.
  • Competencia Cultural y Artísitica:
    • El alumno será capaz de:
      • Disponer de habilidades de cooperación y tener conciencia de la importancia de apoyar y apreciar las iniciativas y  contribuciones ajenas.
  • Competencia de Aprender a Aprender:
    • El alumno será capaz de:
      • Organizar el trabajo planteándose metas a corto, medio y largo plazo. 
      • Plantear actividades y organizar los tiempos.
  • Competencia de Autonomía e Iniciativa Personal.
    • El alumno será capaz de:
      • Tener una actitud positiva al cambio.

After a couple of week learning about Present Continuous, Comparative Adjectives and Sports you are ready to be a Sport Journalist.

In this presentation you will see what the aim and the process for the task will be:

  • Teacher's evaluation will be done with the following rubric. 28 posible points (60% of the final mark).

  • Self-evaluation will be done with the following bullseye and the previous rubric. 28 posible points (20% of the final mark).
  • Peer's evaluation will be done with the following worksheet. You have to come to an agrement with your classmate about your mark of your teamwork. 28 posible points (20% of the final mark). 

Evaluation Mind Maps About The Earth

With this post you are going to evaluate your partner's videos and popplets following the rubric and answering to this questionaire.

When you finish reading the rubric and you have everything clear in your mind, you can start watching your partners video and answering the questions to evaluate it. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE CLEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR AND WHAT ARE THE CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION.

You will send your evaluation through this Google Form. DON'T FORGET TO CLICK ON SUBMIT AT THE END.

To write the comments, you have to follow this pattern:
  • REDACCIÓN EN KIDBLOG: Tienes … porque…
  • ORGANIZACIÓN EN EL MIND MAP: Tienes … porque…
  • ESTRUCTURA DEL TEXTO: Tienes … porque…
  • ORTOGRAFÍA: Tienes … porque…
  • VOZ Y RITMO: Tienes … porque…

Mind Maps about The Earth (Science Year 5 - Unit 7)

Utilizando las TICs para repasar, una vez terminada la unidad sobre LA TIERRA, la Atmósferala Hidrosfera,  la Geosfera,  Volcanes, terremotos y la acción climatológica,   trabajamos como siempre, realizamos nuestro mapa conceptual con Popplet.

Después los alumnos graban su explicación con la aplicación Screencast-O-Matic. 

Publican su entrada en su Portfolio Personal creado dentro de los blogs personales de Kidblog.

Y nos lo envían para poder corregirlo a través de la red social educativa de Edmodo.
Estos son los trabajos de los alumnos de esta unidad. 

Jon's Mind Maps

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014


We will start the lesson with our routines:
  • Setting the Calendar.
    • What's the weather like?
    • What date is it today?
  • Do the register?
    • How many boys are there in the class?
    • How many girls are there in the class?
    • How many children are there in the class?
    • Is there anyone at home today? Why?
Today we are going to learn a new question and review the ones we have learnt yet:

During this month we are going to learn about wild animal. Let's practise the vocabulary with this song. 

Let's practice vocabulary a bit with these games.

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Teaching Phonics (19th Group of Sounds)

The nineteenth group of sounds is formed by:  


Although we have flaschards to support our lessons. With this video you will learn the nineteenth group of sounds.

The following words can help us to start reading words with these sounds. Remember it will be easier if we use dots and arches. 


Developing Communicative Skills - COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE (Year 5)

With the following presentation we will practice COMPARATIVE ARTICLES in our English lessons. They are some games for practicing questions and answers, we pretend to develop our students fluency and vocabulary. 
They are not needed to use in the same lesson, you can practice one or a part of one of them. 


Rutina de pensamiento 3x1 "Puertas abiertas 2014 y su preparación"

Habéis trabajado muy duro durante estas última semana para crear un espacio precioso en nuestro aula durante el día de puertas abiertas. Todo comenzó con la expresión de vuestras ideas y el diseño del proceso que íbamos a seguir que plasmamos en este mapa conceptual.

A partir de aquí trabajasteis por equipos y coordinandonos perfectamente para hacer todo el trabajo. 
  • Búsqueda de Mafalda para colocar en el pasillo.

  • Una de las cosas más enriquecedoras fueron vuestras entrevistas a Mujeres inmigrantes. Con las cuales todos hemos aprendido incluso hubo gente que se emocionó al leerlas. 

  • El diseño de las siluetas y su ropa también han sido un en gran medida posible gracias a vuestro trabajo. 

  • Además hemos sido noticia en el Diario Palentino.

Por todo ello,

Ahora como todo gran trabajo toca evaluarlo para poder mejorarlo en futuras ocasiones y lo vamos a realizar mediante una crítica 3x1.