viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

European Day of Languages: 26/09/14

Another year the 26th of September is here and we want to celebrate again THE EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES. Let's go and learn a bit more about this day watching these two videos.

We can enjoy a bit more learning about different languages with this LANGUAGE QUIZ we have found at the European Day of Language Website.  (Click on the picture)

Now it is time to work. We are going to reflex about languages in our life. We are going to write and draw OUR LANGUAGE SELF-PORTRAIT. 

TARGET: Record a video in which you tell everybody your relation with languages in your life. 


1. Draw a quick timeline about your languages.
  • When did you say the first word in your mother tongue?
  • When did you start learning English?
  • Who was your teacher?
  • What other important things have you done with the languages (Plays, won a competition about compositions, etc...)?
  • Did you travel abroad and learn any word?
  • Did you meet any foreing person?

2. Write you Script about the video. Use these patterns to write it. 

  • Hi my name is .........  I'm ...................years old.  My mother tongue is ......................
  • I said my first word when I was...................... years old. It was ......................
  • I started learning English when I was ........................... My first teacher was..........................
  • The first time I travel abroad was to ................................ I learnt some new words like ................ It means.
  • I also learn .................................. when I was ...................................... 
  • I know a few words of other languages like ........................................
  • This is all about me and my languages. Bye, Bye. 
3. Let your teacher to check your script. 
4. Look for a partner to record the video with you. It will be easier. 
5. When you finish you need to upload it to YOUTUBE
This short and easy video will help you in case you need. 

As a title you will use #autoretratrolingüístico (Name)
The tags we will use:

  • Colsangregorio.
  • European Day of Languages. 
  • English Year 5
  • Biografía Lingüística. 

6. Send the link to your teacher through EDMODO. 

Here you can watch an example of what we are asking you to do. 

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