miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

What kind of plant can you find at Montaña Palentina? (Final Task - Plants - Year 5)

Desde la orden EDU/519/2014 de 17 de junio.


 Las  plantas:  Características, reconocimiento y clasificación. La estructura y  fisiología  de  las  plantas.  La  fotosíntesis  y  su  importancia para la vida en la Tierra.


3. Conocer  la  clasificación  de  las  plantas, atendiendo a sus características y tipos e identificar la importancia de la fotosíntesis para los seres vivos.


3.1.  Observa  directa  e  indirectamente, identifica  características  y  clasifica  plantas.
3.2.  Explica  la  importancia  de  la  fotosíntesis para la vida en la Tierra


Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística:

  • El alumno será capaz de:
    • Buscar, recopilar y procesar  y comunicar información.
    • Utilizar los códigos de comunicación para conversar solicitando información.
Conciencia y expresión cultural:
  • El alumno será capaz de:
    • Considerar la flora como parte del patrimonio cultural de los pueblos de la montaña palentina. 
Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor:
  • El alumno será capaz de:
    • Tomar decisiones y elegir teniendo criterio propio
Competencias sociales y cívicas:
  • El alumnos será capaz de:
    • Manejar habilidades sociales y saber resolver los conflictos de forma constructiva.
Aprender a aprender:
  • El alumnos será capaz de:
    • Aplicar los nuevos conocimientos y capacidades en situaciones parecidas y contextos diversos.
    • Ser capaz de trabajar de forma cooperativa y mediante proyectos
Competencia Matemática y Competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología:
  • El alumno será capaz de:
    • Conservar los recursos y aprender a identificar y valorar la diversidad natural
    • Expresar e interpretar con claridad y precisión informaciones, datos y argumentaciones.
Competencia Digital:
  • El alumno será capaz de:
    • Buscar, seleccionar, registrar , tratar y analizar la información.
    • Trabajar en entornos colaborativos
    • Generar producciones responsables y creativas.
    • Utilizar las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como instrumento de trabajo intelectual (función trAansmisora y generadora de información y conocimientos.)
Create a presentation about the plant life of Montaña Palentina and a video to explain the photosynthesis.


STEP 1: You are going to work in your cooperative groups. Remember you have different roles, let's check it into the following presentation and divide it. Let's open a Google Drive document for your Working diary:
  • Date.
  • Roles.
  • Aim of the day.
  • What have you done?
  • Problems.

STEP 2:  Start the presentation, every member of the group should have access to it. It must have:
  • Slide 1: Title and authors.
  • Slide 2: 1st plant.
  • Slide 3: 2nd plant.
  • Slide 4: 3rd plant.
  • Slide 5 4th plant.
  • Slide 6: Video about photosynthesis.
Here is an example of it.

STEP 3: Divide the presentation work, each member of the groups has to talk about one plant in the presentation, so it should do one of the first fourth slides. The following websites will help you to look for the information.
If you need to look for more information on the net please let use the Scientific Name of the plant, not all the plants are called by the same name in all the places. 

STEP 4: Now it is time to tell everybody what your groups has learnt about the Photosynthesis and plant nutrition. And you are going to do it in a creative way with a video. Here you have some examples you can use (of course they are not about the topic but they are just to inspiring you on a good idea).

Let's prepare a Storyboard. It is a paper in which you are going to summarize all the scenes of the video. It is a draft, don't do it quick but also don't look for the perfection on pictures. Use the information which is explained at pages 42 and 43 from your Class Book.

Everybody has to take place on it so the COOPERTIVE LEARNING TECHNIQUE: Let's spin the sheet can help you.

You can use this graphic organizer as an example. 

STEP 5:  Time to write the script. Remember that you need to know what to say or do at each moment in the video. You could use the following sentences in the video:
  • Hello, we are ...........................................
  • We are going to explain you ..............................
  • For the Photosynthesis the plant needs..........................
  • Explain the process: The plant takes........................ through the .......................
  • From the roots the ................................. goes to the leaves through the ........................
  • At the leaves is prepared the ....................... and it goes to the rest of the plant though................
  • With the photosynthesis the plant produces............................
Let's check your teacher your script, divide what each person will say, and prepare all the materials, pictures, posters, characters or customs you will need to use. 

STEP 6: Record the video, remember you will need a camera, a tablet or a mobile phone (if you choose remember SIM cards are not allowed). It is important you know how to work with it and how you take out the videos. 

When you finish you have to upload your video to Youtube. It is not needed that all the member upload it, one is enough.
  • Title: Photosynthesis (names of the students)
  • Description: This is the video we have created for........
  • Tags: colsangregorio, redxxi, Year 5, Science, Plants.
STEP 7: Include your video into your Google SlideShow Presentation

STEP 8: This is going to be the personal part each one should create on they own portfolio. Each member of the group has to create a post with the following information.
  • Title: Plants
  • Introduction: I'm ........................... This is the final product of my group. Along this task we ..................... and I ........................................
  • Embed the presentation.
  • Learning Diary: (Please try to think on it and write more than a word)
    • What have I learnt with this task?
    • Did I have to go back on something?
    • How did I learn along this task?
    • What do I want to learn more about?
  • Remember to write the task (colsangregorio, redxxi, Year 5, Science, Plants.)
This example done by the teachers can help you. POST PLANTS

Teacher's assesment (60% of the final mark) Maximum 28 points

Self-assesment (20% of the final mark) Maximum 28 points

Peer evaluation (20% of the final mark) Maximum 28 points

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