martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

A tour around our school with Comenius

It is time for a new Comenius Activity. Despite the fact our Comenius Partners were in our school a few months ago, the different Mascots of our Comenius Partner are in our school to visit it with you. After their visit they will have to tell things about us to their friends and the other school students.



So we have to show our school to them, and we are going to create a video to send to our partners school. Also the different mascots have to send a postcard to their schools.

So here you have the process you may follow to achive the final product:

  • You will have to create five groups.
    • Rybeck
    • Piero
    • Bart & Lisa
    • Richie
    • Baris
  • Each group will choose a mascot.
  • You will decided what the tour around the school will be (Example: First the class, then the Computers Room...). You can also think on doing an interview to someone in the school.
    • Create your storyboard. Minimum nine places.
  • You will write the script about what are you going to say in each part of the school.
    • Grammar tickets from A.B.
      • Present simple + Adverbs of frequency (Page 4)
      • Personal pronouns (Page 6)
      • Was / were (Page 8)
      • Possesive adjectives (Page 14)
      • Going to: future plans (Page 16)
      • Past simple (Page 24)
      • Have to / don't have to (page 26)
      • Past simple questions (page 28)
      • Countable and uncountable nouns (Page 34)
      • Some / any (Page 36)
      • Comparative adjectives (Page 45)
      • Superlative adjectives (Page 47)
  • You will record short videos in each school.
  • You will create the final video with the Windows Movie Maker ( You have a tutorial video about how to do it at the end of this post)
  • You will buy or create a postcard about Aguilar de Campoo of the School to send it to the different school. Here you have the Adresses.
Mr Lukasz Widera
Zespól Szkolno-Przedskolny nr 3 im. Jana Pawla II
B. Kuglera 8a

Ms Helen Pronger
Holy Trinity Church of England Junior School
Addison Road, Guildford, Surrey
United Kingdom

Mrs Dudu Duygu Yildirim
Prof. Dr. Selcuk Yahsi Ilkogretim Okulu
Demalpasa Mah. Koca Ahmet Cad. No: 21
Inegol, Bursa

Ms Cinzia Lombardi
ISA n 6 Istituzione Scolastica Autonoma nº6 
Via Giulio della Torre 68
La Spezia 

Mrs Thorir Karlsoon
Laekjargata 14b

This tutorials may help you do this. We recommend you to have a look before doing it. 

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