miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Pre-Roman Times

When we talk about pre-Roman Times we are speaking about all the time which goes from the Prehistory to the Roman Empire in the Iberian Península. 

During this time in the Iberian Peninsula there were different groups of inhabitants: The Celts, The Iberians, The tartessians, The Phoenicians, The Greeks and The Cartaginians.

With this video you will understand better the beggining of this period, Let's have a look to the history of the Celts. 

The Iberians: they lived in the east and south of Spain. They were warriors, herders, farmers, craftsmen, merchants and slaves.

The Celts stayed in Spain in the north and the centre. Their tribes were divided into family clans. They were herders and farmers. They were also expert metalworkers, they made jewellery, weapons and tools.

Celts and Iberians mixed to form the Celtiberians. 

The Tartessians lived in the Guadalquivir valley (It was rich in metals: gold, silver and copper). They were great travellers and expert metalworkers and salt producers. 

The Phoenicians were traders from Asia. They were settled on the south coast. They founded Gades (Cadiz). Thay became important trading partners of the Tartessians. 

The Greeks settled on the Mediterranean coast. They came to trade ceramic objects for metals. They founded the city of Denia. 

The Carthaginians came from the North Africa to trade metals and cloth. They also settled on the Mediterranean coast and founded the city of Cartagena. 

All of this colonising civilisations left culturan legacies, such as the alphabet and metal coins. 

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