lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

The landscape

We will start with a new topic THE LANDSCAPES. We are going to start thinking using a THINKING ROUTINE: The traffic lights. 

Let's draw a traffic lights in your notebook or in your Thinking notebook. 

And now during 3 minutes you will think about all the things you have already known about LANDSCAPES. And then classify it into the three colours:
  • GREEN: Write things you know and understand perfectly about LANDSCAPES.
  • YELLOW OR ORANGE: You know and understand something but you will need some help to go deeper on this things about LANDSPCAPES.
  • RED: You don't understand or get these things or you want to know more about it during the time we are going to look for it in Science lessons. 

Once you have clear what you know, we are going to have a look to this video about LANDSCAPES. 

  • How many LANDFORMS does the video talk about?
  • What are these landforms?
  • Can you say me the definition at least of one of them?


All the different features of the Earth's furfaces make up the landscape.


MOUNTAINS are raised parts of the Earths's surface.

HILLS have lower altitude than mountains

Several mountains grouped togethere are called a MOUNTAIN RANGE. A long line of mountain ranges is called a  MOUNTAIN CHAIN

VALLEYS are low area between mountains. Rivers are often found in valleys.

They are large areas of flat lands with now hills or slopes.

A PLATEAU is a plain at a high altitude.

DEPRESSIONS are plains which are lower than the surrounding land.

COASTAL PLAINS are flat land near the coast. 

Let's practice all what you have learn during your Science lesson. Remember IT'S IMPORTANT TO PRACTICE TO FIX THE KNOWLEGDE IN YOUR MIND. 

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