jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015


We are from Aguilar de Campoo.Aguilar de Campoo is a village at the north of Palencia it has 7.534 habitants.It is expected that is going to snow more.The weather is very cold, there is snow everywhere. In our school there are people that have been stucked in the highway, also there are volunteers like UME , RED CROSS .Aguilar de Campoo is a village of Palencia at the north.It has 7.534 habitants. 

This is the big snowfall. Aguilar today at 8.00 p.m

It is going to snow during all the weekend.From our school we can see a lot of snow and in the church there are big stalactites.It has fall 50 centimetres of snow.Inthe clasroom there are a few of students in  the school.They don´t came around 360 of students. All the persons were here on Wednesday some factory workers come here at 6:00 at the morning.It happened that some workers were stop in the highway and yhey come here. We have speak with people of England and it was amazing they names were Robert and Susan

This is the playground with snow

We interviewed Gonzalo Ramos that is in the Cruz Roja.
The volunteers  help people in Aguilar de Campoo because this people has been in here because  the snow was very tall and the circulation was blocked .The volunteers bring  food ,blankets and pillows and the people that was blocked in  Aguilar they slept in the San Gregorio´s school (in our school) The people have been here between the hour 3:00 - 7:30.We ask some volunteers about the work that they did or that people and here we have some questions and the answers that they answered us.

 1 What problems did you have?
 With the weather,with all the people that it comes to Aguilar.
 2 How many people participate in helping?Of what organization they are?
 They participate many people.They are  firefighters, police and Cruz Roja.
 3 How do you organized?
 We talk about this and all we present our ideas for the people that need help.
 4 Do you help to take away the snow?
 Yes,but only of the roads that comes to Aguilar.
 5 What do think of this snowfall which appears suddenly?
 The visual part is very beautiful but affects the live of the people of here and the work that  we do.


This is a group of the volunteers who were working here the whole night

After a quarter of an hour talking with Susan and Robert this is the things they said us: We ive in England we are from Nottingham and Leicester. About the big snowfall Susan and Robert feel very saved here.

Susan and Robert came here by the Ferry to Santander and them came in car to Almena but Susan and Robert weren't able to continue because there were lot of snow.

Our car was stucked in the snow, the local police brought them here.We will be here until the police say they can go on the motorway to get home .
They are really happy and thank about all people of Aguilar de Campoo and how them have looked after y they are very well.

Not only Susan and Robert came here.More people come here for example :Bulgaria , England , Portugal... There are about 60 people or even more.

This is the interview to Robert and Susan.

JOURNALISTS: Verónica, Álvaro, Alba, Lorena, Adrián M., Melisa, Melina, Martín y Fernando.

For further information you can look the following links.  

  • Diario Montañés Wednesday 4th February 2015:

  • Diario el Mundo Wednesday 4th February 2015 

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