lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

Mission 1: Learning about STOPMOTION and ROLES in the Group.

Along this first mission you will learn a lot about:
  • What Stopmotion is.
  • What the different roles in a group are. 

What is the aim of the mission? You have to create a Google Drive Presentation with 10 questions about Stopmotion.

As you know every presentation should have:
  • A cover with a title and the authors. 
  • Each question will have two slides: one with the questions and four possible answers and the second one with the correct answer. 
Here you can see some links with information about StopMotion which can help you to create your presentation and your quizz. Please let's also have a look to the next video about how can the Stopmotion help you with your creativity. 

Once you finish with the presentation (You have 20 minutes) we will play. The winner group will have a point for GROUP WORKING at Classdojo

We are also going to reflex on the different roles you can take in your group. There are five and each day you will change but for this you will need to know very clearly what your responsabilities are. 

We are going to do a THINKING ROUTINE to discover what the responsibilies are and how do you see them. We are going to use QUICK THINK / QUICK DRAW. So remember using this graphic organizer and the following document you will write the name of the role and its responsibilies and draw a quick picture about this role. 


Once you have finish this mission you have three important task to do before continue with mission number two:
  • Start with your learning diary. 
      • Let's open a Google Drive Document.
      • Write the title of the project FILM CREATOR
      • Write the date.
      • Answer these questions:
          • Three things I have learnt.
          • How do I learn these things?
          • Do I want to learn more about something? What?
          • What can I improve for the next mission?
  • Evaluate your mates. We will have a ranking (like in videogames) so you as a group will have 50 points in each mission and you can distribute among your partners like you want. Let's communicate to the teacher. You can see how the ranking is going in this document. The winner will have a special prize at the end of the project.
  • Present all your task to your teacher for your badge. If everything is correct you will have a badge to show you are ready to start with STOPMOTION at ClassBadges

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