martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Our favourite books. e-Twinning Activity

It is time to focus our attention again into our e-Twinning Project: "Reading Together"

After presenting all the students implied in the project, now it would be time to talk a bit about which are our favourite book and about our houses. 

It is going to have two different parts. Let's follow the steps in order to success with the task:

  • STEP ONE: Create a Google Drive Slideshow. Create the first slide
  • STEP TWO: In the second slide include a picture of your bedroom. (You can bring it at another moment)
  • STEP THREE:  Try to review all the grammar aspects you will need for this task. Read and complete the activities of your Class book, page 139.
  • STEP FOUR: Let's describe your bedroom using ten sentences. 
    • Five of them: There is / there are (page 25 of your book)
    • Five of them: I have got / I haven't got. (page 27 of your book)

On the shelves of your bedrooms we are pretty sure that you have your favourite book on it. With your mate you are going to create and interview to talk about it.
  • STEP 1: Try to review all the grammar aspects you will need for this task. Read and complete the activities of your Class book, page 140.
  • STEP 2: Create the questions for the interview. You will create together because you are going to use the same in both interview (page 31 of your book). The information you will ask about is:
      • Title.
      • Author.
      • Number of characters.
      • Why do you like it?
      • Number of pages.
      • A couple of questions about the cover.
      • A brief summary.
  • STEP 3: Prepare the script into your notebook. That means you have to write down the questions and the answers. Let's the teacher check it.
        • Good morning,Good afternoon, Hello.
        • My name is .........
        • What's your name?
        • My name is .........
        • Can I ask you some questions about your favourite book?
        • Yes, you can.
        • Good bye, thanks for your time. 
        • Good bye. 
  • STEP 4: Record the two videos. In each one, a student will be the cameraman and the interviewer at the same time and the other student will answer. In the second video you have to swap your roles.
  • STEP 5: Upload into your youtube channel the video in which you are answering questions. 

As a final part, you need to prepare a post into your digital portfolio to spread it. 

Your portfolio should have the following parts:
  • Greetings: Hello, Good morning, etc....
  • Description of the activity: In this activity I ......... . It is part of our e-Twinning Project.
  • Embed your Presentation.
  • Embed your Youtube video.
  • Your learning diary:
    • What have I learnt with this task?
    • Did I have to go back on something?
    • How did I learn along this task?
    • What do I want to learn more about?
Remember you have to add the tags, to order an classify the information into your blog. This time the tags will be:
        • colsangregorio.
        • RedXXI
        • English
        • Year5
        • e-Twinning.
        • My favourite book. 
Once you have finished you have to submit your task to your teacher using Edmodo. For that you have to click into the title of your post in the blog and copy and paste your link into the Edmodo Assignment. 

Teacher's assesment (60% of the final mark) Maximum 20 points

Self-assesment (20% of the final mark) Maximum 20 points

Peer evaluation (20% of the final mark) Maximum 20 points

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