viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

eTwinning Task: A survey about the Mass Media

To continue with our eTwinning project: "Mass Media for our daily life" This time we want you to purpose to create a survey to investigate about the uses of the mass media your school mates do. 

We strongly suggest to you the following steps in order for your group to success:

  • STEP 1: Distribute the roles in your group. Make sure everybody has understood their role and the aim of this task.

  • STEP 2: Open the Learning Diary for this task. IMPORTANT: It is a new document, only about this task and the same of the whole task. Let's share it with your mates and your teacher. And remember you have to complete everyday. 
  • STEP 3: Let's create your questions. You have to write ten questions to ask about the uses of the Mass Media in our daily life, make yourselves sure they are correct written. The ten questions should follow this tips:
    • At least three of them has to be using can.
    • At least two of them should have some or any.
    • At least one of the has to used on+dates or from.... until + times
    •  All of them have to follow the question structure: 

Question Word (if it's needed)+AUXILIARY +SUBJECT +  VERB + COMPLEMENTS ?

  • STEP 4: Time to seek the data asking the questions to mates. You can ask your classmates, or look for other students among the Year 5 and Year 6 classes. It's important to write down the answers in order of create the statistics later. At least you have to ask to 25 people.
  • STEP 5: Create your final power point presentation with 11 slides.
    • First slide: Title (Survey about mass media) and authors
    • Second to eleventh slide: Title (question) - Insert the data and the graph, you can do it directly on Power Point - THINK on a sentences to explain the results. 
  • STEP 6: Record your presentation into Office Mix. So first you need to write down the script, The following sentences may help you to do it. Remember to send the embed code to your mates.  
    • Hello we are.............
    • We are going to present you the results of the survey about the Use of the Mass Media.
    • The first question is............
    • We checked that ........... (here you will use the sentences you though about the results)
    • The second question is........
    • We checked that..........
    • ...................
  • STEP 8: Create the final post into your digital Portfolio. 
    • Hello my name is ........... 
    • This is the final product of our task.......... Along this task we have investigated about............
    • Learning Diary:
      • What have I learnt with this task?
      • Did I have to go back on something?
      • How did I learn along this task?
      • What do I want to learn more about?
    • The tags will be;
      • Colsangregorio
      • Redxxi
      • eTwinning
      • English 
      • Year 5
Here you can have a look to a very helpful example of the post into your Digital Portfolio.

  • STEP 9: Sent to your teacher through Microsoft Classroom. 


Teacher's Assessment
60% of the final mark

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