Once we have finished the unit about forces it's time to review with your mind maps created with POPPLET:
But this time it's going to be a bit more difficult than other times. As you know along this unit we have done some experiments and we have found forces in our daily life, and we have done the same with simple and complex machines.
So in this final task of Science you HAVE TO take your own photos, to use in the POPPLET. Instead of using photos from different websites.
To sum up, you will do the POPPLETS as we used to do at the end of the Science unit but this time you will look the examples of forces and machines in your real life.
During the last session we studied how we can uses forces in simple machines and how our lifes are easier with them. Now if we combine those simple machines we can have complex machines as a bicycle, a car engine or a computer.
ONE OF THE MACHINES WHICH WE USE MORE IS THE COMPUTER, it is also made from diferent operating parts, have a look to this website to know a bit more.
With this funny game and helping the robot you will need to use are the knowlegde you've acquiered along this unit. So you have to think a bit and I hope you have fun.
We learnt that the FORCES are action wich make objects move, stop or change shape.
Today we are going to learn how to use this forces, We can use the forces when we use the machines. Machines can be:
SIMPLE: they have a few components.
COMPLEX: they have many components.
Let's have a look to this video about SIMPLE MACHINE:
As you could watch in the video MACHINES make our lifes easier.
Can you identify what are the six simple machines?
Wheel and Axel.
Inclined Plane.
NOW IT'S YOUR TURN!!!!! Could you identify examples of the six simple machines in your real life? It is easier than you think. JUST LOOK AROUND,, there are a lot.
Today we are going to start a new topic in our Science lesson: FORCES.
Why the ball is moving in every case?
What are the people doing to move the ball?
And now, What is going to happen with the ball?
How is it going to move?
With all this previous information, Can you say what a force is?
1. Let's take an elastic band, and tie something like a key in one part. Hold the elastic band from the opposite part. Try to identify what happens on it and why it happens.
2. Take a plastic pen, and some small pieces of paper. Rub very quickly the pen with something made of wool. Then you will move the pen closer to the papers. Try to identify what happens on it and why it happens.
3. Let's take two magnets and try to put them together. Try to identify what happens on them and why it happens.
4. Let's play with a car. Launch the car along the floor of a classroom, First do it very soft and then do it stronger. What has happened? When has it stopped later?
Utilizando las TICs para repasar, una vez terminada la unidad de los Ecosistemas trabajamos como siempre, realizamos nuestro mapa conceptual con Popplet.
Después los alumnos graban su explicación con la aplicación Screencast-O-Matic.
Publican su entrada en su Portfolio Personal creado dentro de los blogs personales de Kidblog.
Y nos lo envían para poder corregirlo a traves de la red social educativa de Edmodo.
Estos son los trabajos de los alumnos de esta unidad.
Then have a look to this video tutorial to know what you have to do and how you should do it.
In the photo, it has to appear:
Names of both schools.
An arrow that match both school.
A box with the km.
When you will have finish everything, please send an e-mail with the photo attached in it to the Comenius e-mail: sangregorio.comenius@gmail.com. Write on the Issue: The name of the school you work on and the name of your class. And as a text of the e-mail write the names of the members of your group.
Here you have the link to download and install JING.
As a final task for this Science Unit we invite yo to create an electrical circuit and explain it to show all your knowlegde about this topic. You will work with a partner. To create your electrical circuit you need the following:
1.5 volt battery.
A light bulb holder.
A light bulb.
A switch.
Some wires.
In this video you can watch a person who is going to show you how to make the circuit. Let's have a look before you start to create you own one.
Now it's your turn. Let's create your own one.
When you finish it, you will record a video explaning the electrical circuit. Before that you have to write down in your notebook the script.
This notes may help you to do it:
Hello, We are...........
We've made an electrical circuit.
The electrical circuit has got four basic componect.
Generator: It is the source of electricity.
In my circuit this is the Generator, then the electricity travels through this wires,....................
Bye, Bye. We hope you've understood and you've liked it.
Then upload your video to you Youtube Channel and create a post in your kidblog. In the post you have to:
Say Hello.
Explain this is the final task of the Science Unit.
In this Science unit we have learn the four parts of the circuit which are:
We have created one circuit and recorded the explanation in this video.