Hola a todos somos los alumnos de 5º A del Colegio San Gregorio, en Aguilar de Campoo y con este vídeo queremos mostraros nuestro trabajo y desearos a todos FELIZ NAVIDAD! Esperamos sean una fechas de compartir con vuestros seres queridos y cargar de ilusión nuestras vidas para afrontar el año nuevo que comenzamos.
- Bienvenidos / Welcome
- Science Year 5
- Kidblog 5ºA
- English Year 5
- Tutoría Year 5
- Stopmotion Project - Game
- Portfolio Year 2
- e-Twinning Year 5
- Scratch
- English E. I.
- Arts & Crafts (EI)
- Science Year 6
- English Year 6
- Tutoría Year 6
- Phonics
- The Dreaming corner
- Proyecto Micológico
- Proyecto: English Speaking Countries
- Sección Bilingüe SG
- SG Proyectos Europeos
- Aprendizaje Cooperatvio
- Formación sobre PBL en SG
- Formación Impartida
- #CooperaMOOC
- Publicaciones
- Nuestros sitios
- Un blog sobre Mi PLE
- Mi Portafolio Docente
- Página principal
jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2014
martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014
REVISTA DETALLES, Primer Trimestre curso 2014/2015
Buenos días a todos,
Aquí está el siguiente número de nuestra revista del Colegio San Gregorio en Aguilar de Campoo. Es la revista Detalles y una vez al trimestre tratamos de contar al resto lo que hemos ido realizando en nuestras aulas. Esperemos que os guste.
lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014
Evaluación Primer Trimestre en 5º, Curso 2014/2015
El trimestre toca a su fin y llega el momento de tomarnos unos días de relax y de compartir con la familia. Ha sido un trimestre duro donde hemos trabajado mucho, hemos conocido a nuevos profesores, nuevas formas de trabajar en clase, etc... Y otras muchas cosas que hayáis vivido durante este trimestre y que tenéis en vuestras cabezas.
Ahora toca evaluar, toca ver lo positivo de este trimestre y aquello que quizás tenemos que hacer de forma diferente para los próximos trimestres. Y para eso necesitamos de vuestra ayuda.
La evaluación y la oportunidad de expresar vuestra opinión lo vamos a hacer a través de una rutina de pensamiento 3 x 1 que ya hemos realizado en más ocasiones, recuerda son tres aspectos positivos y uno para mejorar.
Recuerda dos cosas importantes:
- Tú opinión es importante por lo tanto no hagas esto a la carrera. Tómate tu tiempo para pensarlo y reflexionar.
- Cuando termines tendrás que pinchar en SUBMIT o ENVIAR para que tu opinión quede registrada.
sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014
VIII Congreso TICC - Escuelas Católicas Castilla y León (Panel de Certificación TIC)
Hoy 13 de diciembre de 2014 tengo la suerte de junto a mi compañero Julián Sanz Mamolar participaremos en el Panel sobre la Certificación TIC en el VIII Congreso TICC de Escuelas Católicas Castilla y León . En el mismo hablaremos sobre cómo en nuestro colegio: Colegio San Gregorio en Aguilar de Campoo, hemos trabajado hasta la obtención de la Certificación TIC Nivel 5
En el mismo tomaremos parte tres colegios:
En la siguiente presentación podréis ver nuestra exposición durante el panel de experiencias:
viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014
PLANT REPRODUCTION (Science Year 5, Unit 2)
Last day we were talking about PLANT NUTRITION. We are going to review today using one of our THINKING ROUTINES: QUICK WRITE / QUICK DRAW. Remember to draw and write as faster as you can with the ideas you had about last day lesson.
Today we are going to learn a bit more about how do plants reproduce. This STOPMOTION video will help you to understand.
- At the end of the video you have to answer these following questions.
- What is it needed for POLLINATION?
- Do you think that just the bees can help with transportation?
- Flowers are the reproductive organs of the plant.
- The stamen are the male. They produce polen.
- The ovary is the female part. It produces ovules which becomes seeds.
- Tiny pollen grains form on the stamens.
- POLLINATION is teh movement of pollen from stamens to ovary.
- It used to take place in the same plant.
- Wind and insects also carry plant to other plants.
- After pollination the flower changes.
- Petals fall and ovary grows. It becomes a fruit with seeds.
- The fruit is ripe, it falls to the ground and the seeds fall out.
- The seeds germinate: they open, and small roots and tiny leaves grow.
- Some plants reproduce without flowers or seeds:
- TUBERS: they are underground stems. It develops roots and a stem rise above the ground. For example he potato.
- BULBS: they also grow underground. For example onions
- STOLONS: These are stems which extend acroos the ground. Roots grop an a new plant begins. For example strawberries.
martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014
PLANT NUTRITION (Science Year5, Unit 2)
Try to review what we have learnt about plants the last lesson. We are goint to use a THINKING ROUTINE: THINK-PAIR-SHARE. Think: three ideas about the last lesson, PAIR: talk about these three ideas to your partner, SHARE: we will talk with all the class so we can create a small mind map about it.
- At the end of the video you have to create a picture in your notebook in which you represent the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
- Plants breathe.
- They take oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
- It takes place in leave continually, day and night.
- Plants are autotrophs: they make their own food.
- They need sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and mineral from the soil.
- They are importann for plant nutrition.
- In the soil minerals are dissolved in water.
- Plants absorved water through the roots.
- RAW SAP: The nutrients travel up from the stem to the leaves.
- It enables plant to make food using sunligth, carbon dioxide, water and minerals.
- It takes place in the lives.
- In the leaves raw sap mix with carbon dioxide and becomes ELABORATED SAP.
- ELABORATED SAP is the food for the plant.
- Sunlight is very important for the photosynthesis so it only takes place during the day.
- During this process the plants release oxygen.
PLANTS (Unit 2, Year 5)
Today we will start with a new topic during our Science Lessons. During a couple of weeks we will talk about PLANTS. First of all it would be good to start with a THINKING ROUTINE: THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS, we will use this to check what you remember or know about plants.
We can watch a video to introduce the topic. Please during the video we will deal with a new THINKING ROUTINE: HOT WORDS, write down in your notebook important words (just words) about the video.
Plants have roots, stem and leaves.
- ROOTS: they are in the soil. They absorbed from the soil through the roots.
- STEM: it supports the leaves. It transports water and nutrients to the leaves.
- LEAVES: They are used to breathe and make plant's food.
It is the biggest group of plants.
- Small flowers, but no fruit.
- Seed are together in a small cone.
- Most of them are tree: Pine trees.
- They have flowers
- They have fruit.
- Chessnut trees.
martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014
An e-Twinning Actívity: History about Aguilar de Campoo
Helo everybody, with this activity we will start an e-Twinning project with another two european schools:
- Holy Trinity Pewly Down School. (Guildford, England)
- Zespol Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 3 im. Jana Pawla II. Rybnick, Poland.
With this project we will create a Touristic Guide about out towns. We will create a touristic guide about our different towns:
This first activity will be around the history of our towns. You will need three things to do this actívity:
- Grammar: The past tense.
Videos to explain grammar (Past tense)
- Information about history of Aguilar de Campoo. Here you have a couple of websites to look for it:
- The tool to create a timeline to post into the website. We will use Line.do
This is a tutorial about the tool, please read it before starting.
lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014
Evaluación Semana Juan María 2014 (24-30 de Noviembre)
Mediante estos dos cuestionarios queremos saber tu opinión acerca de la semana de Juan María 2014 que hemos celebrado durante la semana pasada. Tómate tu tiempo para contestar recuerda que tu opinión es importante para que podamos mejorar.
Recuerda reflejar esto último en tu cuaderno de pensamiento me-NOTE
Recuerda reflejar esto último en tu cuaderno de pensamiento me-NOTE
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